It’s so interesting how the creative process is different for everyone! I jot down ideas on my phone, but I have physical notebooks for each project where I outline/draft. Lately I’ve been writing long-hand, which helps me avoid perfectionism in the first draft. Staring at a computer screen for hours just makes me over think and over edit. So I’m trying to break that bad habit in order to be more productive. I also keep personal journals to discuss whatever is on my mind. Having all these different spaces for brainstorming has definitely improved my process.

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It is interesting that you use personal journals as separate generators for brainstorming. I also find that long-hand writing slows me down. For awhile, my first drafts started to feel like outlines or really simple writing. I went to long hand and I realized that I type so fast that I don't capture things, I skim write. So, I started long-hand and I slowed everything down, descriptions fell into place, I took a pause to think for a moment instead of just typing. And all of a sudden, the prose started to come to life. Journals are a river of that creativity, and we draw from it all the time. Thanks for sharing your process.

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